2020.12.13 《參與者的學術接觸-人類學倫理的實踐與躊躇》研究倫理專題演講暨新書發表會





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2020.11.28 臺灣臨床研究倫理審查學會學術年會





2020.07.25 109年人體研究倫理審查會管理師檢定口試考核





2019.08.17 Bioethics conference on Regenerative Medicine, AI and Culture


本次會議邀請到香港中文大學區結成分享近年來香港地區倫理發展以及實際案例,藉由著作、投書媒體逐步帶領民眾認識倫理,並舉例香港反送中抗爭事件中,醫院提供資訊讓警察逮捕受傷的抗爭者引發爭議並促使大眾探討醫療倫理與執法間的衝突。隨著健康醫學全球市場的擴張,新興醫療技術快速的發展並帶出許多倫理與隱私相關問題,英國的Sarah Chan博士舉出基因編輯、生殖醫學與再生醫學案例以探討倫理爭議,並藉由基因編輯事件揭示新興科技需一合適的管控機制。丛亚丽教授則分享健康醫療大數據的應用所牽涉到的倫理問題,如隱私、資訊的使用權,在提高醫療品質與效率的同時,個人數據、病歷資料,皆可回溯至個人,個人資訊的使用應思考其安全性並界定使用者的責任。

第二場會議由Joy Zhang分享全球新興科技發展的隱憂,探討技術成本大規模的降低、訊息的易獲取性、科學技術門檻降低如何造就醫學臨床研究突破固有窠臼,凸顯全球科學產物管理的重要性。最後由蔡甫昌主任綜合基因編輯所產生的倫理衝擊,檢視生殖細胞基因編輯的醫學事實、研究誠信、專業指引,以及根據台灣法律所可能承擔的法律責任,在更完善的指引建立之前,生殖細胞基因編輯仍是非法且不道德的。

2013.6.14 The ELSI of Biopharmaceutical Research

時   間:2013年6月14日(星期五)8:40-16:00

地   點:國立臺大醫學院醫學人文博物館 一樓視聽教室

主辦單位:生技醫藥國家型科技計畫 ELSI組


Time Topic and Speakers Moderator
08:40~09:00 Registration
09:00~09:10 Welcome and Opening Remark
09:10~10:10 Keynote SpeechTowards the perfect child? Non-invasive prenatal diagnostics and whole-genome assessment in pre-implantation diagnosticsProf. Bertrand Jordan, CNRS emeritus research director, France, and NRPB Counselor, National Science Council, Taiwan. Hua Tai戴華
10:10~10:20                         Break
10:20~11:10 ELSI-related thoughts from a medical research investigatorK. Arnold Chan陳建煒 Chien-Te Fan范建得
The Attitudes of the Public toward Tissue Banking: A View from Focus-Group DeliberationKuo-Ming Lin 林國明
The Moral Duty to Participate in Research ~ a Confucian perspectiveDaniel Fu-Chang Tsai 蔡甫昌
11:10~11:30  Panel discussion
11:30~11:40 Coffee Break
11:40~12:15 The Uneasy Dichotomy of Human Body Research and Human Research in TaiwanWen-Tsong Chiu邱文聰 Hsiao-Chi Sun孫效智
Bioethics and Law Entwined: The Legitimacy of IRB Review and its Limitation生命倫理與法律的交錯:人體研究倫理審查的正當性及其界限Wen-May Rei 雷文玫
12:15~12:30 Panel discussion
12:30~1:30 Lunch
1:30~2:20 When bioethics monopolizes clinical studies, should we rethink the merits of clinical studies?Chun-Ying Wu 吳俊穎 Kuei-Tien Chou周桂田
Benefit sharing in human genetic technology: A perspective of constructive comparative justiceKevin Chien-Chang Wu 吳建昌
Public deliberation on genetic testing in Taiwan: Critical Reflections基因檢測公民會議: 談基因科技與公民參與Tze-Lun Lin林子倫
2:20~2:40 Panel Discussion
2:40~3:00 Coffee Break
3:00~3:50 Informed Consent to Biomedical Research on Stored Human Tissue in Taiwan: Legal and Ethical PerspectivesChun-Feng Wu吳全峰 Chih-Liu Lin林志六
Types of Biomedical research and the needs of regulated intensity生醫研究類型與法律規範密度需求差異性Jean Feng-Jen Tsai蔡奉真
Panel Discussion
3:50~4:00 Closing Remarks


2012.3.23-24 International Conference on Biomedical Ethics and East Asian Confucian Traditions

2012 International Conference on

Biomedical Ethics and East Asian Confucian Traditions


The Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences and the Center for Ethics, Law and Society in Biomedicine and Technology, National Taiwan University are very honored to welcome you to the 2012 International Conference on Biomedical Ethics and East Asian Confucian Traditions. This Conference will explore current bio‐medical ethical issues, in view of practice implementation and ethical frameworks, from the perspectives of Confucian approaches in East Asian context. Internationally and domestically renowned scholars in the field will give speeches either from a theoretical/analytical approach or from a practical/empirical approach to the conference theme, and to discuss implications for governance and regulation. Presentation topics include: biomedical ethics and Confucianism, Confucian bioethics methods, Confucian perspectives on informed consent, research ethics review, end of life care, assisted reproduction, medical education, risk governance and health communication, and medical law.

Date: March 23 (Friday) PM and 24(Saturday) AM/PM, 2012

Venue: Professor GB Chen Memorial Lecture Room, College of Pubic Health, National Taiwan University


  1. The Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, National Taiwan University
  2. Center for Ethics, Law and Society in Biomedicine and Technology, National Taiwan University (CBME)


  1. College of Public Health, National Taiwan University
  2. College of Law, National Taiwan University
  3. Department of Social Medicine, National Taiwan University College of Medicine
  4. Charité Medical University, SIGENET Health Program, Berlin, Germany
  5. Taiwan Clinical Ethics Network (TCEN)


March 23


Time Topic Speaker
13:10-13:40 Registration
13:40-14:10 Opening RemarkDeans Pan-Chyr Yang, Chun-Chieh HuangPhotography and Coffee
Session 1: Confucianism and Biomedical EthicsChair: Tzu-Yi Lin
14:10-15:30 The Possible Implications of Confucianism to Biomedical Ethics Ynhui Park (South Korea)
The End of Life: Legal Change and Culture in Taiwan Tsung-Fu Chen (Taiwan)
15:30-15:50 Coffee break
Session 2: Confucian Approach to Biomedical EthicsChair: Jeu-Jenq Yuann
15:50-17:40 The Fallacy and Dangers of Dichotomizing Cultures: Confucianism Misinterpreted in Chinese-Western Comparative Perspectives Jing-Bao Nie (New Zealand)
Principlism and Confucianism: Cultural Variances in Medical Ethics? Daniel Fu-Chang Tsai (Taiwan)
Salient Features of Confucian Ethics and Their Implications for Biomedical Issues Kam Por Yu (Hong Kong)


March 24


Time Topic Speaker
8:30-9:00 Registration
9:00-9:10 WelcomeHong-Nerng Ho
Session 3: Research Ethics and ConfucianismChair: Hong-Nerng Ho
9:10-10:30 Comparing and Complementing: Approaches to Bringing Confucianism to Life in Clinical Trial Ethics Ole Döring (Germany)
Ethical Review of Clinical Research Xiuqin Wang (China)
10:30-10:50 Coffee break
Session 4:Risk Communicationand Citizen DeliberationChair: Wei J. Chen
10:50-12:10 The Deepening Distrustful Society without Risk Communication – A Comparison of Public Risk Perception on GMO in 2004 and 2011 in Taiwan Kuei-Tien Chou (Taiwan)
Citizen Deliberation on Surrogate Motherhood in Taiwan Kuo-Ming Lin (Taiwan)
12:10-13:10 Lunch
Session 5: Cross-Cultural Biomedical EthicsChair: Chi-Wan Lai
13:10–14:30 Speaking Up in the East-Asian Ethical Tradition James Dwyer (Taiwan & USA)
A Cross-Cultural Study of Students’ Reasoning of Professional Dilemmas Ming-Jung Ho (Taiwan)
14:30-14:50 Coffee break
Session 6: Culture, Law and Biomedical PracticesChair:Jung-Der Wang
14:50-16:10 What Role does Chinese Culture Play in Informed Consent Wei Zhu (China)
Law and Cultural Practices: The Implications of Taiwan Hospice and Palliative Care Act Kevin Chien-Chang Wu (Taiwan)
16:10-16:30 Closing remarks Ole Döring (Germany)Daniel Fu-Chang Tsai (Taiwan)
16:30-17:30 Medical Humanity Museum Tour